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freshwater fish for high range of ph

23 16:36:56

Hi, I am setting up a 29g freshwater aquarium. I just found out that my tap water ph is about 8.2-8.4  Before I tested my tap water I was thinking of getting (tetras, barbs, rasboras) or (platies, guppies, mollies) depending on my ph being less than 7 or more than 7. But now I'm not sure what kind of fish I should keep. Please advise

Hi Amrita, All freshwater fish need a pH level from about 6.8 to 7.2. I would add a pH buffer product to reduce your pH level and add some aquarium salt to reduce your pH levels also. I would start out with platties guppies and mollies because they are very hearty fish and can stand higher pH levels. Good Luck!