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fish in aquariums

25 9:06:01

How many black tetras can you have in a 10 gallon tank?

Hi Anthony,
Thank you for your question. Usually your aquarium shop sales staff are the experts on what to stock and how many. Just don't crowd the tank. If you get a plecto, keep in mind that they can grow so large they won't be able to turn around in a 10 gallon tank. That's why a lot of people end up with 30 gallon tanks.
A 10 gallon tank is very small, but so are black tetras. You could probably have about 5 or so, but consult with your local supply shop.
The main thing is to avoid over feeding. It's especially critical in a small tank. Please read and print out my page for wholistic aquarium care:
Write back if you want to discuss further.