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Just saying Hi

25 9:19:15

Hi susie,
I am at school right now.
Thought I would say HI.
Sheryl Lynn

Hey! Wow! I never thought I would hear from you on Allexperts!

Let me tell you about what Srinivas has been up to lately...Well I read his email this morning and I just now got to answer it today at 6:50 pm Thursday. He has been having terrible luck. Well it started out as he said he came to his house and saw the front door open and some people standing outside he didn't know. He walked up to the door and asked who they were and they surrounded him and told him to mind his own business! He said he called for help from the driver of the car he was dropped off by and they both got into an unmatched fight of 2-7! Srinivas said he was black and purple from all fight and the driver was in one of the thug's clutches. Then like a miracle the neighbors heard all the commotion and took off to help with their doberman, Rocky. He didn't say when the tresspassers finally left but what was bad and what he was asking about is during the fight with the evil tresspassers one of his aquariums got broken and his catfish fell out and some of them got particles of glass stuck inside them! He removed as much as he could but he said some of them he couldn't get it all and he was wondering if they would survive. I honestly don't know how it would be in that situation. I think there is probably a 50-50 chance the ones with the shattered glass still inside them would survive. So I told him to keep the water quality as high as possible and add some Melafix which is a medication for preventing wounds from becoming infected and also helps them to heal. But to be honest the catfish with the particles still inside them may not survive it all. Sorry as I was to say this.
But I have never had this experience like he had and they might survive after all. Who knows.

~I told him "my prayers to you Srinivas" and wished him only the very best for his catfish and that I hoped that all that terrible stuff would never happen again.

I also told him something I had been wanting to tell you since yesterday...But i've been too broken down to write it..
I have been having my own tragedy beginning yesterday. Two of my dear little chickens have died... :(:(:( It started as of Wednesday when I was checking eggs...I noticed a black heap far into the coop that wasn't moving. I tried making a noise and there was still no response.  It was not until I squated down to look under where their ramp exit from the coop was where I immediately turned away and had tears in my eyes....It was Jade....her head hung limp from the ramp exit. Oh my god. This was so horrifying. What happened? I couldn't hold back tears...First violet then....jade...? I waited until my dad came home to provide her with a proper burial for I couldn't bear to look at my dear little Jade...This was so horrible. I mourned so MUCH all day wednesday. It was so terrible. Then, today on thursday to my complete shock, I opened up the door to the nesting boxes and noticed to my horrifying shock that another chicken was motionless in the far end of the coop...This time it was big, sweet old yellow hen... Oh my god. I thought. I just turned away and burst into tears. How could this happen again! It was a COMPLETE NIGHTMARE. A nightmare...We don't have a clue what happend...The rest of the flock looks healthy when I looked everybody over today on Thursday. But I just know...Somebody will be next. It will probably happen again and again. How could it happen. It's so unbelievable, It is such a horrid nightmare. Such a nightmare. Who'll be next tomorrow? It's so haunting....Oh such a nightmare. My dear little pet chickens I adore so much are dying...Of unknown reason. My only guess is they might have eaten some grass seed we put down but covered with a fine screening and weighted that down with heavy rocks. The grass seed was coated with a fungicide. But we planted that weeks ago. Could it really be that. That they got a hold of some? We'll never know. I just dread tomorrow morning when we discover another . Like I said, it's a nightmare. My dad once again took care of Chickadee.

I'm sorry to let you know of all the bad news when all you wanted to to was simply say "Hi".

I'll talk to you later...Hopefully I can be more cheerful when I am not mourning....
~Susie~ lov ya sis- I've got to answer three more questions :(