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Baby tetras born while treating Ich

23 16:16:34

Our three tetras died yesterday.  We don't know why but noticed ich on two of them.  Removed African dwarf frogs from the tank, left the platys, catfish.  Did water change (25%), treated with Rid Ich, and raised the temp to 86.    This morning, noticed four baby tetras in the tank!  They have survived eight hours now and look healthy.  What do we do with them while treating the Ich? And what should we feed them?  They jet all around the tank (10 gal), finding good hiding places, etc.  Don't know how to feed them specifically so that they would find the food.  Currently feeding the other fish flakes and shrimp pellets.  One of the catfish, by the way, is getting very lethargic.  This morning, did another water change and Rid Ich, was careful to avoid the babies with the gravel vacuum.  How often should I repeat this process, what do I feed the babies, and when can I put the frogs back in?  Thank you so much for your help!  We're new at this.  Have only had the aquarium 6 weeks!

Hi Cathleen:  If the four baby tetra are healthy I would fish them out and put them in with the frogs while you treat the tank for ICH.  I would feed them baby brine shrimp or crushed up flake food.  You can also buy food for fry at the local aquarium store called "First Bites" and that works well too. If you have not done so you should remove the carbon filter otherwise it will absorb all of the medication.  You should also raise the temperature in the tank if possible to about 82 degrees.  Follow the instructions on the bottle of medication for treating ICH and if the fish are not getting better in about 2 more days then I would switch to a product called super ich cure by Jungle.  The Frogs can go back in the tank about two days after your last ICH treatment.  Feed the fish well... but do not let the food lay on the bottom of the tank for very long.  Try feeding brineshrimp and tubiflex worms in conjunction with flake food.  keep me posted...dave