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More than one betta

25 9:05:56

Hi Karen,

I have sent you a question about my tank cleaning problem (private question). I hope you have received it.

I have another question... I have one betta in a 26 gallons aquarium. Can I put another betta (female or male)? I know technically, we are not supposed too. But isn't by nature that fish live together? How do breeders do it? They must put a bunch of bettas together?

If I can't put another betta,any other "COLORFUL" fish with nice fins that I can get to put in my tank? As it is, with the tetras that you have suggested, it's pretty dull looking. And I can't get rid of the betta as it is my first fish! Dilemma...

The fish store employee tells me not to change the water for 4 weeks for my new tank. Even if there's a bit of amonia. Just add cycle everyweek... So I have no idea what to do next. To change or not to change the water... that is the question.



Dear Sue-Ann,
True in nature fish are living together but they also have a better chance of escaping an attack than they would in a tank. Breeders of Bettas have to be careful whenever they are breeding them since the male will kill the female after she lays her eggs. They have to be separated before spawning and after. I wouldn't advise putting either another male or female with yours.  I've seen what can happen to a female even when she is ready to spawn. I lost one trying to spawn them and it was not something you would want to see.   As for  other colorful fish, you mainly need to be careful about fish with flowing colorful fins that he might mistake for another betta. Neon tetras can be a nice color addition with a betta. Remember most fish in the stores are sometimes faded due to shipping and stress and after they get adjusted to your tank will look much better.  Platies come in various colors but don't have fins that would attract a bettas attention.  Cardinal Tetras look very pretty also. Remember even though they should all get along sometimes there can still be fin nipping from either the fish you add or even your betta. It just depends on personality . As for your  water changing dilemma, I would still do partial water changes and check your water parameters regularly to be sure it is safe enough to add extra fish.  If you overload your tank with fish before it is cycled you run the risk of fish       and sickness. Some tanks are not cycled and ready for fish for several weeks. You can still add the cycle but I would check the water and do water changes if you are going to add fish before it is completely cycled. Just be careful and patient and not try to rush the cycling.  You don't want to have really sick fish or cause your betta to have problems.
Hope this helps!