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Headstanding Goldfish

23 16:58:50

Please help me. I recently purchased a red-capped oranda and placed him in a tank with my five year old black-moor(sp?) goldfish. Its a ten gallon tank and the two live in there with a algae eater. About a week or two ago, the new fish got red streaks and ratty looking fins. Shortly after, my black goldfish also started showing these symptoms. I have treated their water with anti-bacterial liquid for 8 days now with little result. In fact, about three days ago, the new fish starting sitting on the bottom on his head. Neither fish is eating much and they just look terrible. What is it and what do I do?
Thank you.


Hi Rob
I'm going to start with, I'm not an expert on goldfish-especially with the fancier breeds.  I have a couple of feeders/comets that have blossomed into 8 inch food beggars. But I do know a bit about them.  The first being that goldfish usually require a larger tank, I would say at least a 20 gallon per goldfish.  Reason being, they put out a lot of ammonia naturally through their waste and gills.  Not sure what kind of algae eater you have, if it's a pleco, they're usually too small for a 10 gallon as well and they're pretty messy too.  So, basically your tank is overstocked-badly.  

The symptoms you're describing sound like Fin/Tail Rot.  It's a bacterial infection, usually caused by poor water conditions.  First thing I would do an immediate water change of about 40%.  I really like this product called MelaFix.  It's an herbal remedy that treats a few fish conditions like fin rot, and since it's natural it won't kill off the beneficial bacteria in the tank.  Your local pet store should have it.  This is good stuff to keep around all the time as well.

As far as the fish doing handstands, that sounds like a swim bladder problem, which is common to certain breeds of fish, and also again with poor water conditions.  You can add 1 tsp per gallon of aquarium salt to the tank-IF the algae eater isn't a pleco or oto cat, they don't tolerate salt very well.  You can also try feeding the fish a pea, split it in 1/2.  That's always best for constipation & cleaning them out. Hopefully after the water change he'll eat it.   

If possible, you really need to get a larger tank, at least a 30 gallon tank.  Otherwise, I'd recommend taking the new fish back-but I'm guessing it's probably too late for a return.  Cut down on their feeding, I'd do no more then once a day, and take out what they don't eat.  Leftover food just contributes to the poor water=ammonia.  I recommend doing weekly water changes of about 25-30%, but until you get a bigger tank, I'd do one daily of about 20-30%.  If you don't have one, get a test kit, and test for ammonia, nitrites, and nitrates.  All should read 0, with nitrates reading less then 20ppm.  I have a feeling your tank will have ammonia with the 2 goldfish in it.  That's all I can really think of to do for now, mostly the larger tank will help a bunch!!

Good luck, and get back with me if you have more problems or questions!!!
