Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Freshwater Aquarium > Blue Ahli

Blue Ahli

23 15:55:14

Well, is it edible?  Can I place it in a pan and fry it? I have lots of these with uncontrollable numbers, I'm wondering if I can eat them =) Just askling, am not going to fry my pets of course.

Hi Bokandesuyo,

Technically, it could be edible, but I would definitely not recommend it, because there could be parasites or disease, which could be passed onto humans. It might make you sick, and it probably wouldn't taste that good. You definitely don't want to risk eating it.

The only thing in aquariums that people commonly eat are Apple snails. They serve them like escargots...

Good Luck, and Happy Fishkeeping (or fish-eating!)