Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Freshwater Aquarium > ill oranda

ill oranda

23 15:26:36

good morning.
i recently bought 2 orandas and put them in the same tank. after a couple of days the littler one was bullying the bigger one. then the bigger one seemed so docile the only time it would move was when the other one went near it. then we noticed that there were red spots on her body and tail. we decided to buy a new tank to put the ill one in but to no joy. she justs lays on the bottom of the tank and will only move when feeding. now i have notice there is a long white string like thing coming off her tail. need some advice please.

It sounds like she has parasites. The easiest way to help her out, since she is eating, is to get medicated food. Make sure you are doing water changes and not over feeding the fish. Follow the instructions on the food container. You can also add some aquarium salt to the water. The ratio is 1 teaspoon per 1 gallon. Make sure the salt is dissolved before adding it to the tank. There are a lot of medications on the market that helps with internal parasites. I find that the Jungle products work very well.