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Cloudy water after water change

25 9:09:18

I have had a 10 gallon freshwater aquarium for over 3 years with the same fantail goldfish and a moor goldfish. Both fish seem to have adjusted well to each other, I recently changed filters and about 50 % of the tankwater as well as vacuum the gravel, and scrub the algae from the sides. After changing the water the water was a little cloudy. And after about a week and a couple of filter rinses the water is still cloudy. I understand the cloudiness is likely due to a bacteria problem, What can I do now? Canyou help?

You cloudiness may not be bacterial, it also could be an ammonia bloom due to the amount of water changed and maintanance done recently. Goldfish tend to produce more ammonia in their waste than other tropical fish. You could also have an algae bloom which also can appear cloudy. I would highly reccomend you have a sample of your water tested. Most pet stores that test aquarium water will need the amount of water that would fit inside the case for 35mm film, minimum. They should check for ammonia and nitrate/nitrites...these play the biggest role in your aquariums well being. I wish could be more exact but until you get the water tested a wide range of things could be the cause and we would need to eliminate them one at a time. Happy fish keeping!!