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Black bugs in tank

23 16:56:23

I have a five gallon aquaruim. We have had it now for around 5 years. Our Goldfish died unexpectedly about two weeks ago. Now we have the algae eater and a aquatic frog. The tank has appeared cloudy for a little while now. Two days ago I noticed little black specs all over the place. At further inspection they looked to be moving. They have infiltrated the whole tank. They are on the bottom everywhere, stuck to the sides, and swimming about. They are really really small. I got one of them and looked at it under the microscope. It has eight legs and looks like a cross between a tick and a dust mite. YUCk. I thought maybe it was due to the dead goldfish and they sprouted up to scavenge. Now I wonder if they killed the goldfish. Bascially my question is. What are they? Where did they come from? HWat to do? I put some Ich medicine in there( Iknow it is not ICh but it kills other parasites as well.  


Yes, it is likely a parasite. However, if the ick medicine does not work for you I would recommend trying a product called Coppersafe. It is a multi-parasite killer and it protects your tank for over a month after the treatment cycle. You may also want to turn up the temperature of your aquarium to around 80 F because parasites do not like warmer water.

I hope this helps.
