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Whats wrong with my fish? Can you please help me?

23 15:26:38

Neon Tetra tail bent
Neon Tetra tail bent  
Hi I was emailing you with a question about my neon tetra fish. His tail is bent, Any idea what this is and whats causing it? I am attaching a photo along with this so you can see more about whats going on. Please any help would be greatly appreciated. I can not find any information on what this could be nor do I have an idea of what could be causing this. It is a 10 gallon tank, 6 months old, only 5 neon tetra in it. tests are done regularly and water parameters are normal. The one whose tail is bent, looks like an arch, eats, tries to swim but has problems, active. I have him in a breeder tank in the aquarium, so he is isolated from the others but in the same tank water.

Hello Eric!

Your Neon Tetra here, is probably suffering from its nipped tail fin. By looking @ the tail in the photo (its kinda blurry but I know its hard to get still photos of fish) you showed me, the tail looks like its has been biten off little by little. When fish get hungry (even non-aggressive ones), they tend to nip others. Try the API Stess Coat since it has the power of AloeVera and can remove stress up to 40%. Feed him/her daily & observe for results. Isolate him further more from other fish (even the ones you are breeding) to prevent further damage to his body.

Hope this helps! :D