Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Freshwater Aquarium > little green bugs--help!

little green bugs--help!

25 9:19:07

hi.  i need some advice.  i have these little green bugs in my aquarium.  they're about the size of a gnat and they live on the surface.  they sort of skip around on the surface and every time i open the lid a few fly out.  i also find them on the underside of my lid.  i believe they start off as these really tiny worm-like things (larvae maybe?) that live at the bottom of the tank. i've seen them on several of the decorative shells i have sitting on top of the gravel.  from there they turn into these little bug-like things that swim at the top of the tank, just below the surface, usually right next to the glass.  from there they turn into the little green bugs that scoot along on the surface.  they seem to be completely harmless, but i don't really want bugs living in my aquarium.  i clean my tank via a gravel vacuum about every two weeks, but that doesn't seem to affect their numbers.  do you know what these bugs are or more importantly, how to get rid of them?  thanks for your time!

Hello Josh! ;-)

~Honestly I don't really know what those bugs may be. I have never had anything like that and my research on possible pests that may get into aquariums have brought up no results. I do have an idea, those bugs may actually be gnats that are being attracted to the condensation under your aquarium hood and often algae and spilled fish food resides there as well, the gnats are probably feeding on that and whenever you open the lid of the tank, and some probably land or fall into the water and desperately try to get out by jumping and flopping around, this could be what you think is the 'skipping' behavior. Then again they may be something totally different from gnats and may have been introduced via the addition of a live plant recently or one that is an aquatic insect and somehow got into the house. And for the worms or larvae, what you MIGHT be seeing is  Planaria. These are harmless, tiny little white worms that usually are present in the aquarium at all times but hide in the gravel and come out either at night or anytime if there is a high concentration of food in the water. Aquariums containing oscars or other large, meat-eating fish almost always have a worm or two at all times squirming around. The way to control Planaria is careful feedings and many water changes. There are some species of fish that are known to eat these tiny worms as well.
*As for the bugs I think it would be a good idea to take the hood off your aquarium and wipe down any buildup of mineral deposites, food, or algae that may have collected there and are probably attracting the gnats you see. I think you should try vacumming the tank more often too like try twice or even three times a week to see if you can eliminate the larvae of whatever those bugs are. You didn't say what size tank it was or what fish you keep but you could also try adding an avid insect eating fish. But I think the above steps should be enough to get rid of whatever they are.

~*Well I really hope I was of some help to you and your bug problem...Wishing only the very best with everything!*~

Feel free to ask away anymore questions you may have! ;-)

Take care Josh, and Happy fishkeeping!