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fresh water aquarium temp

23 15:41:30

ok, I know you can put a heater in a tank to heat the water , but what do I do if the water is too warm ? My house doesen't have a/c and the tank is getting up to 82-84 deg F . Do I put ice in the tank  ?


Even though the heater is in the tank, it isn't always on. It has a thermostat and if the temp falls below the temperature you have it set to, it will kick in. So, no need to worry about that. As far as the ice goes, no do not put ice in the tank. Tropical tanks can handle elevated temperatures,and at 82-84 degrees is perfectly fine, but if you cool it down, your fish will go into shock.

I hope this help and if you have any more questions just ask.

You didn't mention what kind of fish you have.