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Worms in fish tank

23 15:41:30

Hi, i have read a lot of the forums around but i am still unsure of the name or applicable treatment of the worms in my fish tank. i first noticed small white specs on the inner glass of my fish tank. they are like a hard shell and can be crushed (sort of like a semi soft oyster shell). i have since noticed tiny worms crawling around on the glass. do u think that you can help?
Thank you.


It sounds like planaria, and they will not hurt your fish. They are a sign that there is too much uneaten food in the tank. I have almost 4 week old Betta fry and every now and then i get those worms too. As a matter of fact, my fry eat them and helps me with feeding. I would vacuum the gravel very well and then cut back on the feeding and this should stop the little guys from invading your tank.