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dirty tank

23 16:52:12

my 3yr old son got ahold of the fish food and dumped half the container in the tank. there is a large amount of it collected on the bottom and water is really murky. is it ok to leave it or should i change the water? if i should change it how much at one time.

Hi Dustin
Well, at least it was fish food.  I've heard stories of kids dumping in cans of pop/soda because they "thought the fish was thirsty" lol.  

Yes, definitely remove it immediately.  It'll cause the ammonia to rise, pretty bad.  Use your siphon/gravel vac and vacuum up as much as you can.  If you can't get it all in one shot, which I'm sure you won't, you can safely change out 50% of the water, again trying to get as much food as you can.  Let it settle, then tomorrow do some more-even if you need to do another 50%.  Hopefully that should be enough.  Also scrub out your filter pads in a bucket of the used tank water.  Be sure to monitor your ammonia levels too for awhile.

Good luck!!


PS Forgot to add, probably be safe not to feed them for a few days as well :)