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my dwarf gourami

23 15:50:14

my blue one died the other day it looked bloated and my pink one looks bloated and is panting and losing color on the face. in doing research i think it is dropy and in late stages because the scales are protuding i have a 65 gallon with several other fish should i kill the  fish and put it out of it misery, i dont know what to do. should i salt treat the whole tank im going to take a sample of water in and get it tested what should i do with the sick fish?

Hi Angeline,
Definitely sounds like an internal issue like dropsy. It might help to read more here about dropsy which describes in good detail the many triggers and possible treatments for this common issue.

Dropsy itself is more a condition of an environmental problem rather than a disease in itself. It is difficult to cure, because it can be caused by a variety of things like tumors, kidney failure, internal bacterial infections, poor water quality, internal injuries and other serious problems.

And unfortunately by the time those common symptoms appear of the bloating and raised scales, it is often too late to save the fish. Individual fish will often give warning signs ahead of time just before bloating that you might have a chance of catching the condition before it progresses to this difficult to reverse stage. Some of the warning signs are heavy breathing, hanging back in the far corner of the tank, dull coloration and loss of appetite.

Really the best thing to do is try to isolate the sick fish to a smaller tank that is kept warm and the water kept as clean as possible with daily water changes. Treating with Epsom salt is best to help relieve the fish of built up fluids causing the bloating. Aquarium salt will not work the same way as Epsom salt. Typical dosage is about 1/4 teaspoon per 5 gallons. You can try treating with a strong antibiotic like those made by Mardel brand. But I must warn you that even your best efforts may be futile. If you are willing to try though I am all for it!

It really wouldn't be good to treat the whole aquarium. You wouldn't want other fish having to be stressed by sudden salt or medication.

You may have to put the little fish out of its misery. While most sources recommend the humane method is freezing the fish. Really the only true humane way is by the "Clove Oil" method. It slowly puts the fish to sleep.

Dwarf gouramis sadly are very prone to this condition. I believe they are sensitive to poor water quality and easily susceptible to infections and parasites. And some Dwarf gouramis are from poor stock in general or get a bad start off from their hatchery or the petstore itself and easily succumb to even minor problems.

I would definitely make extra effort to insure that your aquarium gets enough water changes and gravel vacuuming according how many fish you own and their feeding habits and bioload. The best ways to prevent illnesses like this are consistently good clean water through large frequent water changes, and a good healthy varied diet according to the species being fed.

I do hope this helps and best of luck!