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persistent white spot

23 16:21:52

Hi David,

I hope that you will be able to help me, and would be very grateful if you could.

First of all the details of my tank
10 gallon cold freshwater tank with black box filter, 2 plants and gravel. I have 2 ryukins and 1 oranda all under 2 inches in size each.

The problem i have is that my fish have what i think is white spot or ich. They have had it for a while and I just do not seem able to get rid of it. I treat the tank and it goes away temporarily but then symptoms return about a week later (rubbing against things, quick swimming as if itching, lingering at the bottom).

I have used 3 different types of white spot treatment over the last couple of months, interpet no 6, protozin whitespot and fungus and WSP whitespot treatment and I use as per instructions.

I was hoping someone educated on these matters can help me to get this problem shifted.

Thank you in advance for your help. I have looked on the internet and understand white spot can be particularly hard to clear, so step-by-step instructions would be brilliant. One solution I was considering was to maybe raise the temperature of the water to 26celsuis?



Hi Aaron:  ICH or white spot disease has a nine day cycle... this is why it goes away and comes back.... add some aquarium salt to your water per its instruction label... You can use any of those products that you listed... but the treatment must be for at least nine days.... do regular water changes and clean the gravel really well... add new medicine per the label... you can raise the temp to about 76 degrees F... keep me posted... dave