Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Freshwater Aquarium > trophical


25 9:01:15

hi, other day i think i mention about a one tigerbarb attacking other. Today and lasttime i notice that it stays by itself not along the gruop. Othertiger barb stay in a group. And whatever tigerbarb come on his way, just attacking it it, and then it's goes and stay by itself. Can this tigerbarb come back to normal. It's only about three days since i bought all tigerbarb, in the first day they were all aggressive, now i think they are fine, except this onetigerbarb. please help.

Hey Jeeva,
I'm not sure if it will go back to normal or not. Give it another week and see if anything changes. Also, try re arranging the tank's rocks/ornaments. make sure there are no caves or areas to hide. these cause agressive behaviour to be dominant over certain areas.
i hope everything goes well with your new tigerbarbs! hopefully, he will start acting normal. =]
best wishes, chels