Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Freshwater Aquarium > They told me its a lyretail sword

They told me its a lyretail sword

23 16:28:17

I've been trying to figure out what kind of fish I have.  They guys at the store told me it's a lyretail sword, but by the time we got home, this fish had let out about 15 eggs.  From what I've read, lyretail swords are live bearers.  I can't figure out what this fish is, no matter how many pictures I search through.  It does look a little like the pictures I have found of lyretail swords, except that there is no sword in sight.  It also looks to me kind of like a beta or a guppy.  But I don't think that's what it is either.  Any ideas of fish that kind of look like these that aren't live bearers?

The color seems to be fading on this fish (orange fading to white), but it started off orange with maybe a little gold.

Thanks for any help.

HMMMM.....well Tanya you gave me a tough one. If it layed eggs it can't be a Swordtail. Ok score me 1 point. Nor a Guppy. If you read my profile it stated I've not had a tank for 7 years until this past Christmas when my som bought me a 75. So I'm back. When I had fish before I had books on everything. And 7 tanks.
  If my memory is correct you may have a type of Killifish. No it doesn't kill. They resemble live bearers like Swordtails but without the Sword. They lay eggs. And come in yellow plus other colors. I have not seen them in shops for a long time. Or you could have a female Betta.
  but I think I'm wrong so far.    WAIT!!!   Hold on I got it. I need to kick myself for not getting this one right off. This is so easy. I got this one. Ready?
drum roll.......................
  What you have is a female Lyretail Sword. Only the males have the sword. She dropped her young fry enroute home because of the stress of the trip. The fry were not fully developed so they appeared to be eggs. In short she had a miscarriage. Go back and buy a male and let them start over. PHWEW.....saved my "EXPERTNESS". I owe me a drink.