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goldfish sickness

23 15:50:46

Hello..thanks for taking the time to read this. I have a red cap oranda that i've had for 6 months. He's in a 20 gallon with a facny goldfish 2 guppies & 2 platies. Today I noticed a white bump on his side toward the back..the best way to describe it is like a white wart that you want to pick..other than that he seems fine...any ideas?
Also what's their average lifespan? Thanks!

the bump may be a cystic issue of some sort if there is only one.
could be a parasite as well if you can get a close look at it you may be able to rule that in or out.
you could add 3-4 table spoons of non-iodized salt in the tank as well as a tonic, it will benefit all the fish as well.
as to the average lifespan of a gold fish, all things being equal 15-20 years is not uncommon.
just keep your eye on it and if there are changes , mail me and we will try something else.
good luck.