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Tetra question

23 16:08:44

1yr 11mo
11 gallons
Fancy goldfish and tetras
2 goldfish, 2 blackskirted tetras, 7 rummynose tetras, and 3 neon tetras
Wet and Dry
ph 7.0  ammonia 0
change 4-5 gallons of water every week

After doing some research and believing that they would do well in my aquarium, I bought the rummynose tetras and neon tetras a month ago. Now I have had several people tell me that tetras need water with a ph of 6.8. I would like to know if this is true. Thank you in advance!

Hi Charity;

Your pH is just fine where it is. Trying to alter it will cause fluctuations that can be deadly to your fish. What we are looking for is stability, not a certain reading. When you look at 'fish profiles' and 'care sheets' and they tell you what pH your fish are supposed to like, they are referring to the wild environments where they came from originally. The fish we buy now are usually raised in concrete ponds where the pH is usually over 7.0 all the time. They breed in it, so they must like it!

You do have an issue in your tank you should be aware of though. Your goldfish are coldwater fish and will also grow large enough to eat your tropical tetras. Goldfish just do much better in the long run in a tank of their own with no heater. They need ten gallons per fish anyway. They get HUGE, about 8 inches long each!

At Your Service;
Chris Robbins