Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Freshwater Aquarium > possibly sick betta

possibly sick betta

23 16:36:05

I have had my betta for about 3 months and he has always been very active. Recently, however, he has taken to laying on the bottom of his tank most of the time. When I approach his tank, he will start swimming around energetically, but shortly after will swim back down to lay at the bottom. He still has a healthy appetite. Based on the research I have done, the closest thing I could find as to what might be wrong is constipation, but his belly doesn't seem bloated. I'm new at owning bettas, so perhaps there is really nothing  wrong, but it seems odd to me that he is suddenly laying around so much. I keep him in a 1 gallon tank which I clean regularly and feed him flake food twice a day, three times a week, with the occasional bloodworms as a treat.

Hello Stephanie, I not believe your fish is constipated. I believe he may be depressed. Depression is usually caused when the fish becomes lonely, or is moved to a new place. To try at get him happier, put a mirror infront of him. Betta's do not know what they look like, and he will flare at himself, thinking its another fish. This can entertain him for a long time. But remember to remove the mirror after a while. Also do a 15% water change, to get him moving a little. Your doing everything fine.
