Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Freshwater Aquarium > weird creature found in fresh water tank

weird creature found in fresh water tank

23 16:38:52

hi last saturday while i was doing a water change my wife noticed a creature we
never seen before it kinda looks like  a centipede  but if i try to
get it out of the water it refuses to get out it must be a water creature
its about an inch long,an eight thick,it has antennas on the head, the
head is flat,it also has pinchers on the head  and also  has a pointed
tail it looks like a stinger  on the tail,and it has hair on the tail
and it has the same patter as a tire track eel my tank is a 55 gal and
is fresh water and is a   comunity tank with swordtails, mollies, red
fin tetra black tetra or emperador tetra one head light tail light
platys  tigerbarbs, plecostumos and a tire track eel  i dont know if this
will help you identify this creature all together this  creature head
looks like an ant the body like a centipede and the tail like a scorpion
hopefully you can help me thanks and have a great day

It sounds like you've got the mix of a scorpion and a centipede in there! You should do your best to get it out of there.  How big is it? I'd say sit and work on it use a net and get it out and toss it outside...or flush it.
It's not good to have something like that, that you didn't put their yourself in your tank. Good Luck.