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Sick Betta.. Fuzzie stuff on it

23 16:06:06

I just got this betta Sunday 11/9. Today he's at the botton on the rocks, with fuzzie stuff on him from the gills to the belly all the way around his body.  What is this?  I removed him from the tank to a cup.  I am helping him gulp air at the top. He's side ways. Thank You. Kathy

Hi Kathy,
Poor fella. Likely it is nothing you did at all but something he already had in the developing process at the petstore. I see a lot of bettas in those store cups that develop the same conditions, the fuzziness and the sideways laying behavior.

The fuzzy stuff is likely what's called "Columnaris" while it is often considered a fungus due to its "fungus-like" appearance it is actually bacterial in nature. There are many medications available for columnaris/bacterial infections but I'd recommend using Jungle Brand's Fungus Clear (which also treats bacterial infections)  it is cheap and easy to use plus it seems to have never failed me when I have had to treat fish before. Honestly he needs a larger environment to be treated in safely. Try to move him back to his tank if you can and treat the water. ;-)

First though, do a large 50% water change and gravel vacuum before putting in the medication. Waste and dissolved organics can deactivate the medication ingredients plus put stress on your already sickly betta. It would be best if you could change 50% of the tank water everyday while re-adding the proper dose after each change. This method has seemed to work wonderfully well in my experience even though its against medication directions.

Repeat this treatment of water changes and re-dosing for as long as he shows symptoms. Then you can cautiously (keeping an eye on him) do your water changes but this time no medication is added back.

The sideways behavior could be a swim bladder problem to go along with the fungus. Swim bladder disorder is often diet related (might be constipation, overfeeding, not enough variety, ect) or due to poor water quality or injury to the swim bladder. It can get better on its own but he may need some help to get past it. You can find very helpful info here about the causes and treatments-

Best of luck with your little guy. I hope he gets better!