Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Freshwater Aquarium > weatherfish


23 15:53:44

hi Nathan i don't have much experience with fish as i have just bought mine on Friday. I bought a weatherfish and i have noticed it has a white dot on the end of its nose, is this normal or is there something wrong ?

Hi Nicola,

First of all, here's a great site to learn more about your new pet.

If the dot looks like a small grain of salt, or if you notice more spots, then it's suffering from Ich, which is a protozoan disease. Fortunately, there are lots of medications available to treat this. Look on the body and especially the fins. If you see more white dots, then it's definitely Ich. If you only see that one isolated dot, do not treat until you find another.

Change 30% of the water before adding medication.

I hope your fish recovers!
Good Luck, and Happy Fishkeeping!