Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Freshwater Aquarium > Bumblebee - Ulcer?

Bumblebee - Ulcer?

23 15:17:35


Hi Richard,
I have a nursery tank with a poorly BumbleBee that has a growth that is growing and need some advice as to what I can do for it.
I seperated him from the normal tank and have been treating with regular water changes and a bacterial remedy (associated with finrot) but he is getting worse.
Do you have any advice as to medication or whether the growth is an ulcer or a tumor? Picture attached
Kind regards

Hi Mike

It's hard to tell from the pics but it looks like some sort of infection. I would start with a 30% water change, then do a 7 day treatment of treats a wide range of both internal and external infections. Follow the directions on the bottle. After the 7 day treatment, do another 30% water change. (do not do any water changes during treatment)

Pimafix should take care of it, but if he's not better after the treatment, then you'll need to upgrade to an antibiotic such as Maracyn or Maracyn II or a combination of both.

Remember to take the carbon out of your filter or it will remove the medicine from the tank.

Hope this helps, good luck!
