Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Freshwater Aquarium > gold dust molly/w black spot on dorsal/eye

gold dust molly/w black spot on dorsal/eye

23 16:38:41

Hi Chip! Help! I have a 20 gallon freshwater tropical fish tank. It is kept
between 78-79 degrees F. I have 2 gold dust molly females/3 high fin black
skirts/3 Congo tetras and have had a few batches of molly fry in a livebearer
in tank mesh holder(only 5 small ones in there now). My question is about my
Mollies. My female Molly has a
black spot not really raised on her dorsal fin and on her left eye. I've tired
many rounds of parasite clear with quaziprontine/ plus copper safe plus
melafix as an antibacterial to try to get rid of the spots on her. It seems like
some of the fry have the black in or on their eye or eyes too. I have always
followed the directions to a tea with a 25 water change between treatments
and the prescribed follow up treatments. I change my tank water 25very
2-3 weeks but do a full gravel rinse at the sink every time except between
meds. I've seen other people with Mollies with these black eye/fin spots so it
must be common. None of my non Mollies have gotten this and I've been
trying to fix it for 1 1/4 years! I only use spring water too (Poland springs)
because I have a water softener on well water and I'm afraid of the potassium
chloride (should I be?). I do have a photo of my fish if I can e-mail it to you on
some address if it can help. I can't figure out how to attach it here? thanks in
advance, Corina

Hi Corina, there is really no need to worry. I thought i had the same problem with some of my dalmatian mollys. But the fact is that mollys can have different spots and marks on them. Some gold dust mollys have more gold than black and some have more black than gold. But truthfully to tell if this is just a marking i need to see a picture. Send it to my e-mail The water you are using right now is a good idea but you can use your tap water as long as you use a tap water conditioner. I will be able to tell you for sure about your mollys when I see a picture but I am almost positive it is just special markings.