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starting over

23 15:56:11

Starting new set up after losing  our golden fantail+black moor-we want
same fish but how to ensure a clean start? Boil clean existing gravel +
plants? How to prepare surroundings/water? You said six weeks to get
environment/ fish ready,how?-can it be safely done with two small fish in
tank/ we felt we did everything right except start it up correctly so we will
take heed of your great advice and go step by step. Scott with a sad smile'

Hi Scott,
I'm sorry to hear that! :( You did try your best and asked for help!

I don't think there is any need to boil or otherwise sanitize the tank. The fish were never sick were they?

The most important part of setting up a tank is "cycling" which is of course getting the bacteria to start colonizing and thriving in the tank's gravel and filter. You need an ammonia source to get them started and that can be with adding 1-2 fish or creatures that produce ammonia.

Unfortunately, goldfish make very poor candidates for "cycling" fish. They quickly pollute their tank and aren't the toughest fish around. You could "try" cycling with 1 very small fantail (typically the hardiest of goldfish breeds) but you -must- stay on top of water quality by daily testing of ammonia and nitrite levels and later test for nitrates to monitor how far along the tank is in cycling and if your fish is safe.
And a 50% water change should be done asap when the fish seems stressed or the ammonia or nitrites are spiking too high. The key is to keep these levels in the lower range. You can also use a water conditioner that neutralizes ammonia and nitrites such as Amquel+ or Prime to further help but not as a substitute for water changes of course.

Have you thought of perhaps getting a betta instead of goldfish? Bettas are much more suitable for smaller tanks than goldfish would ever be and they are just as (if not more) entertaining and very pretty. They won't outgrow the tank and are quite content with small environments and they don't need real fancy equipment to be healthy. Just clean water (don't let the temp drop in the lower 70's) and quality food will keep them happy.

I do hope this helps!