Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Freshwater Aquarium > my orange oranda

my orange oranda

23 16:45:19

my new orange oranda seems to be sick but i can't figure out with what. she/he seems to have a moldy or slimy looking growth around it's dorsal fin (very little). it lays at the bottom of the tank and just stays there however it will come to the top when its time to feed it. right now i have it in its own 5 gallon tank (quarentined from the other fish). she seems bloated. we thought she was constipated or eggbound but the slime or mold around her top fin has me uncertain. we didn't feed her last night as we were following through for the treatment for consipation. please help me find out what dsease this is!

Hi Corinna
Is there any cottony looking growths on the fin?  And how's the fin look-tattered, split, or is it fine?  And that slime/mold is just on the fin?  How's the mouth area look?  And the slime/mold, is it on the fin or like around the base of the fin?

What size tank was she in before you QT'd her?  And how many and what kind of other fish were in there with her? How often were you changing the water? And do you know what the water parameters were-ammonia, nitrites, and nitrates?

Sorry for all the questions, just trying to get a better idea of what's going on and what caused it.
