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Pleco Tank Size

23 15:56:11

QUESTION: Hi Nathan,

What's the minimum tank size required for a Pleco? Some people have told me that they need a large aquarium, because they grow quite big. Do you know what their adult size is?

Thanks again,

ANSWER: Hi James,

Plecos need a tank size of at least 50 gallons if you plan on keeping them all the way throughout adulthood. Plecos reach an adult size of 24", or two feet (60cm). However, if you want to keep them in a smaller aquarium, Bristlenose Plecos are a great alternative for 20 gallon aquariums and up. They only are 5" long, even as an adult. If you're trying to get rid of algae, just remember these key points:

-No direct sunlight
-Lighting on for just 10 hours is enough
-Partial water changes (10-20%) weekly

Good Luck, and Happy Fishkeeping!

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Hi Nathan,
I'm sorry to bother you, but I have one more question:
What's the maximum size a Serpae Tetra can reach? Also, are they aggressive?


Hi James,

Serpae Tetras can grow to an adult size of 3", but they rarely grow above 2" long. They are notoriously known for their aggressive fin-nipping, and should not be kept with fish that have long, flowing fins, such as Bettas or Angelfish. Serpae Tetras need to be kept in groups of at least 4, and if done so, they will chase and nip each other, instead of victimizing other fish. They are actually a very nice fish, but people say they are fin-nippers just because they don't keep them in groups. A single Serpae Tetra will definitely harass your other fish.

Good luck!