Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Freshwater Aquarium > Male or Female?

Male or Female?

25 9:11:49

sorry to bother you again.. you know that is the spooky thing.. when I got her she was fully grown and WAS a female... I also got a male and the difference is very obvious I know... and... they always did the flirting thing.. they were constantly trying to get it on.  Her mate died recently and since that time, her sword has appeared, but the remaining male I have still flirts with her, but she hasnt taken to him and just chases him away.
I guess it doesnt matter, it would be nice to just know if this has ever happened before
Thanks anyway

Followup To

Question -
Hi Karen
You were so helpful last time, I thought I would try you again.
I have this "female" swordtail, or so I thought.  Over the last few weeks, I have thought her pregnant, but at the same time, she seems to be growing a sword.
Is this supposed to happen?
Thanks for any advice

Answer -
Thank you very much for your nice comment Karen!

Actually, female swordtails do not grow a sword. Only mature males grow a sword. But sometimes males can be slightly plump--especially if well fed and this was probably your case.

Fortunately it is easy to be certain of the gender of your Swordtails-- in males their bottom anal fin is well pointed and the females are plain and rounded. This is a surefire way to know just for sure.

I really hope this helps!
My very best wishes and happy fishkeeping!

A big hello again Karen!

I have never heard of this happening before but I will be sure to ask other fellow aquarists and if they have every experienced this and if I come up with anything I will be sure to let you know!

Best wishes as always,