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update on my cloudy tank

23 16:07:10

QUESTION: I put my gravel back in the 30 gal tank, fish seem to be okay, water is still cloudy. I will wait the 7 days you recommended.
New tank is set up, will feed food as you recommended, though no fish in it yet.
Will wait til Mon to contact you about the 30 gal tank. Thank you.

ANSWER: Keep me posted...  feeding the tank is important because there is already bacteria in the water... the extra food will make the colony grow because there will be extra food for them to consume. This will make your fish .... safer... dave

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: My friends have been offering advice and giving me different stuff to try. Someone brought in Ick Away yesterday, but I'm reluctant to use another chemical. I've checked the fish in the 30 gal tank, and none appear to have any spots, and their fins show no damage. I have a block Mollie, and sometimes it swims sideways. But aside from that it appears okay. If you think I should use Ick I will. Thanks.

You do not have ICH... if you medicate then you will kill off all of the bacteria and the tank will cycle. You have a tank that is trying to increase its bacterial load... this is a natural process and it will go away...  your options are to add bacteria or feed the tank.... do not medicate.  dave