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My Fish-stocking

23 16:49:01

I am 14yrs old and kept fish for about 5yrs.
I currently have 2 tanks one is a community tank(165L/45gal) and the other i breed kribensis in(40L/10gal).
In my community tank I have 3xdiscus, 2xboesmani rainbows, 2xbristlenose plecos, 10xcardinal tetras and 3xclown loaches. I would like to add a few shrimp to the tank to clean algae and just the appearance(mainly that). Do you think glass (ghost) shrimp would be suitable in my tank? If 'yes' how many would you suggest and if 'no' what other type of shrimp can i add to my tank? I have read in some places that some fish will eat the glass shrimp but not all types of shrimp. If you think these glass shrimp would be eaten in my tank could you please suggest another type of shrimp///...Thank you for your time and I hope to hear from you soon.


Glass shrimp should be ok in your tank. The fish you have listed there are usually quite docile and friendly. They should be ok with ghost shrimp, and not eat them. Since you already have 20 fish in your tank, you probably want a maximum of about 5 glass shrimp. This is enough for them to 'school' if they ever feel threatened but not so much that they will overrun your tank.

I hope this helps.
