Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Freshwater Aquarium > The richness of the oxygen in the water.

The richness of the oxygen in the water.

25 9:07:11

Will the oxygen in the water kill a betta fish if it is too rich?

P/S:Sorry for the grammer.


Hi Kuan,
Thank you for your letter. Your English is great.
The oxygen will not kill bettas. Like, if you have an aerator blowing bubbles in the water, that is fine.
The thing that will kill fish every time is over feeding. Imagine if you put a hamburger in a bowl of water overnight, then drank the water the next day. If you did that every night, you would begin to get sick. Now imagine that you start to become ill and somebody suggests that you put antibiotics and anti-fungal medicine in the water, but you continue to drink it.
That is what's happening in most aquariums these days. Fish food contains animal products that break down and pollute the water.
My method is a holistic way to keep the water fresh by feeding less and using the product "Cycle," friendly bacteria.
Please consider following the holistic aquarium care system posted at my site:
Please read and print for future reference.
Write back if you want to discuss further.