Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Freshwater Aquarium > Fishes seem dyin

Fishes seem dyin

23 15:34:28

I used to clean my 80 ltr aquarium n fill it wid tap water.. bt tody i filled it wid drinkin water n added 25 ml chlorine to it.. nw al my fishes r suffocatin..plz help ..telme wat to do..


When you put add water to the tank you add a conditioner to remove chlorine from the water. What would you add it instead of remove it? You fish are suffering from the chlorine. Do a 50% water change now. Remember to add a water conditioner that will remove the chlorine. Then do a 25% change for 2 days. This should hopefully remove the chlorine you added to the water. I would add an air stone to the tank to help add more oxygen to the water.