Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Freshwater Aquarium > Halleluja!! My water is finally clearing, its only the beginning...

Halleluja!! My water is finally clearing, its only the beginning...

25 9:16:12

Dear Ms. Fields,
I came home from work today to find that after doing a 85% water change at 6am this morning, that my water was looking very healthy and promising, the haze is gone, and from experience the next thing that comes is crystal clear water!! Thank you so much for your advice! I will monitor my nitrites and nitrates and especially my Ammonia levels! not to leave out my PH either, and while my baby is still cycling if my Ammonia should spike, I'll be sure to knock it down witha quick water change, which I plan to do the next few days anyway until my Ammonia backs off. My NItri and Nitra is perfect at 0ppm always, is this normal?

thanks again                      Respecfully,
                                  Tony S.Lee

Wonderful! I know water changes were your best bet!!!

It's very good to hear your water is improving. With time your aquarium will get cycled and the water will be completely clear and fresh!

~It sounds like your aquarium is taking it slow with cycling to not have nitrites yet. High ammonia is usually the first step and then the other two come and rise and fall over the next couple of weeks after ammonia subsides somewhat.

Best wishes and keep up with the water testing and changes!
You're very welcome!
