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Goldfish w/ ick

23 16:57:19

Hi Chris-

I have a large goldfish(4yrs old) in 100gal.  I have noticed that he looks like he has a very mild case of ick on his fins. Only a few spots. How should I go about treating him?  

His water temp is only 69-70 degrees and that is with his heaters going as the room is not heated (So CA).  He has had the white spots for several weeks and I have finally noticed one get large and fall off.  Would it be okay to just salt the water? or should I also use medication? if so what kind/ how much?  How long should I have to use the salt, because of his temp being so low the life cycle of the ick is so long...?  I am keeping his water very clean w/ 25% per week change, and his nitrates run around 15-20, NH3=0, NO2=0, pH=8

Thanks for your time.

Hi Kathy;

Usually ick spreads but spots don't get larger unless it is a secondary infection by fungus or bacteria on the wounds made by the parasite. The water quality sounds very good so he may have simply fought off a case of ick and the spots are lingering. I would just use salt for a couple of weeks. I like to use 1/2 to 1 teaspoon of aquarium salt per gallon. Add more only for water replaced during a water change. In other words, only treat the 25 gallons of fresh water you are re-adding. Don't waste money on the little boxes of salt from the fish store. Get a box of uniodized rock salt from the grocery store. I live in California too and I can buy a good-sized box of Morton rock salt in the red box at the grocery store. Just be sure to look at the ingredients so you know it is just plain salt.

When adding the salt, dissolve it in a bucket of water and slowly pour it in. Do it away from the fish and away from the filter. The high concentration could burn his gills if he gets too close and could kill the beneficial bacteria in the filter too.

After a couple of weeks of salt treatment, just keep making regular water changes without adding any more. It will slowly go away without stressing the fish.

The water temperature is just fine too. Goldfish can't tolerate it above 72f on a long term basis. They prefer it about 68f or lower.

I hope all goes well...

At Your Service;
Chris Robbins