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23 15:57:09

My Black Molly Sailfin fry are showing signs of ick or some other fungal disease. I have them in a filtered 2-way breeder trap. What's the best way to treat them without killing them or stunting their growth?

Hi Dj,

Treating Ich/Ick with newborn fry is just the same with treating it with adult fish, except, with only a half dose. Fry are particularly sensitive to medications. During treatment, raise the temperature slowly, a couple of degrees per hour, until it reaches about 80+. Remember to add an extra airstone during treatment.

Note: Ich (also called Ick) is not a fungal disease. It is a parasitical/protozoan disease. Ich looks like small grains of salt sprinkled on your fish. Fungus looks like moldy-like growths. If it's fungus, just treat it with a fungal medication available from the store.

Back to Ich: Of course, you can't cure it unless you have the medication! Medications that treat parasites will work, or specialty products such as Jungle Lab's Ich Clear. try a half dose first, and if after a couple of days, it doesn't work, then do a full dose.

Good Luck, and Happy Fishkeeping!