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Too many platys & guppies

25 9:09:42

My husband set up a 90 gallon community tank two years ago, moving from a 25 gallon.  Over the first few months, we had about 5 platys, 11 neon tetras, 8 zebra danios, about 5 corydoras (which bred), a few guppies, and gouramis (which died w/in 6 mos).  Well, now we have two neons left, one danio, and about 11 corys.  I added 2 plecos to clean up algae about 8 months ago.  The problem is the platys and guppies.  I have the 25 gallon tank filled with platys I removed from the 90 gallon.  I would say there are at least 60 platys in the 25 gallon now.  In the 90 gallon tank, there are well over 150 platys and guppies.  We can't seem to catch them and need to rid the tank of the females completely.  Maybe females and males.  

I don't know what to do.  We don't particularly want to do anything cruel to the fish (unless we absolutely have to get an aggressive fish in there) or damaging to our eco-system.

Any ideas?

They won't really survive in the local canals, and even if they did it wouldn't be such a good idea since they do breed like rabbits in the right conditions.

Approach a local pet store or fish distributor and see if they will buy them. Sure, it's only like thirty cents a fish, but every little bit helps. Some places will even take all that you have for free. Even if they don't use them as pet fish, they will make decent feeder fish.