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Green Corydora with white blob on his dorsal fin

23 15:18:29

I have a green corydora with a white blob on the back of his dorsal fin. Someone asked a similar question on this very website here:
They have a picture and my cory has the same shape blob in that same spot.
I just have a question as to whether or not I should try to remove the blob from his fin? If not, would he eat it if it falls off? and could that be dangerous to his health?

Hi Heather,
I wouldn't try to remove the blob from the Cory's fin.

White blobs can be anything from an injury blemish to the individual fin-ray(s) or a mild fungal infection. A fungus infection can infect a fish that has a small wound... Especially if the aquarium is not gravel-vacuumed enough to remove excess waste and therefore the breeding ground of bacteria/fungi that thrive in such an environment.

Does the white blob look fuzzy or similar to white mold? How long has your cory had it now? Has it changed at all?

If its getting progressively worse its indeed a fungal infection. If you have a seperate hospital tank that would be ideal to treat your little cory. But you can treat the entire tank if there are no other options available.

I would recommend using either "Pimafix" a natural gentler medication intended for fungus that can handle mild infections.
Or use Jungle brand's Fungus Clear which usually comes in premeasured fizzy tabs for more stubborn infections.

Both meds can usually be found at wal-mart or most petstores.

I would recommend dosing the tank everyday after a 50% water change. Theres nothing better you can do for sick fish than insure they have the cleanest water you can possibly manage.

*Treat for as long as the cory has symptoms. And then at least a day or two after all is clear to prevent a re-occurence.

I highly doubt your cory would eat the white spot if it fell off. Corys are particular about what they eat and are quite skilled at spitting out unedible items as they forage around in the gravel/sand bed.

I hope this helps and good luck!