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Gourami having fun?

23 15:56:48

I have a 20 gallon wide (30") tank with not many fish.  One of my fish is a dwarf gourami.  This fish just kind of hung out and did normal fish things until I put a bubble wall (20 inch) in the tank.  Now the gourami spends alot of time swimming between the bubbles and the back of the aquarium (it looks like he's doing laps).  He's so active, the tetras look lethargic in comparison.  I've turned off the bubbles until I find out more about this behavior.

So, is my gourami amused or is he being artificially (and harmfully) stimulated?

I do admit I have seen fish display "play-like" behaviors. And a lot of fish enjoy swimming in currents especially. The bubblewall is producing a mild current that the gourami may be curious to swim in and the bubbles of course would definitely feel interesting to his skin/scales as they bubbled up.

Many fish become really curious about their reflection in the glass. Especially territorial ones like the gourami. He may be seeing his reflection and thinking- "let me at him!" while hes doing his laps.

Situations like this usually are never a big deal. The fish eventually will settle down after awhile and few ever are stressed from it.

I hope this helps!