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6 gallon tropical tank

23 16:10:22

I have recently bought an AquaStart 320 tank, which is fitted with an under gravel filter, and one of their own brand heaters. I've added 5 plants in small rounded gravel (no sharp edges), and some hiding space in the form of a "broken pipe" display. My tank is currently building up good bacteria, and is awaiting ph and chemical tests before any fish are added. The water has been dechlorinated.

I've found that I'm very picky about fish, and would really have liked a larger tank! However since I'm just starting my Mrs insisted on a small tank to begin with. Therefore I fully intend to upgrade to a larger tank in future, to accommodate my fish in their larger adult state, and to allow greater numbers, but for now I have to work with what I've got. So fish getting too big for a 6 gallon tank is not my major concern, since hopefully I will be upgrading after 6 months/1 year.

I've done my research and found a lot of contradictions, but from what I've read I've deduced that I should be okay having 3 or so black widow tetras, and one or two peppered (paleatus) corys, eventually adding one or two dwarf plecos for algae cleaning. I would be happy with just 3 black widows on their own, if the corys would not mix with them. But generally these are the two that have really caught my eye. I know that they both only grow to around 2 inches at most, so they would not be crowded in 6 gallons, and would be ideal moving up to a larger tank as I progress in the hobby.

Please advise if my selections are okay, any tips about them, their compatibility, care etc, special needs, potential conflicts, and possible alternatives (similar shape/striking pattern/appearance). I'm aware that tetras can nip, which is why I chose the other species to occupy a different area of the tank to the tetras so that they aren't in eachothers territory. However I'm also aware that nipping can have a lot to do with tankmate species, so I'd like your advice on this too.

Sorry about the length of my question!

Hi Scott:  I would say that your choice in black widow tetra and a few cory cats is spot on.  I would not add the pleco's the environment is too small for them but would instead substitute an otocinclus algae eater/catfish.   They are great cleaners and remain about an inch in length... Hope this helps... dave