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10 gal tank

23 16:15:06

I have a 10 gallon tank with two guppies and two zebra danios.  I read that the danios do better in schools of 6 or more.  How many more danios can I add to the tank, and would it be okay to mix different types of danios or should I just stick with the zebras?

Thanks, Christy

ANSWER: Hi Christy:  I would layer your tank in the following way:

1-2 cory cat fish ( bottom dwellers)
6-8 danios or other one inch fish( mid level fish)
2-4 guppies or other one inch fish ( top level fish)

no more then 12 inches of fish plus the two cory catfish


---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: What about the 1 inch per gallon rule?  And what other types of fish are mid level fish that would work for the tank?  Also, is there one type of cory that would be better over another?

Thanks, Christy

The one inch per gallon rule is a guideline.  If you stack the tank by levels...bottom, mid, top  you can add a few more fish. Just remember that the more fish you add the more often you have to do water changes and gravel vacuums.  Other fish that are midlevel fish are:

Molly's, swordtails, tetra (most kinds,) barbs, angelfish, gourami, bala shark, platys, etc.  To me, cory cats are all the same in terms of function and work load.  I personally love the panda cory's.  dave