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ADFs and other questions

23 16:56:22

whats the best way to feed 2 ADF's on sand substrate in a 5 gallon tank with a greedy betta hovering above?
also whats the best shrimps to add to any tank?would i be able to add a small crab to my 10 gallon platy tank. it has shrimps in already. they are ghost shrimps.what do the crabs eat, need, behave like.whats the best crab to get? do they need to surface for air?
what happens to the dead bodies of kuhlii loaches? do they stay under the sand and rot? will they float.
any extra help with the animals ive mensioned about would be welcome

hi scott, thanks for the questions....

here goes first off the frogs love frozen food, esp brine shrimp and blood worms, betta's are not usually a good mix for frogs, since frog legs are a natural food for bettas.  as for shrimp in that tank i would say none, bettas eat shrimp so do the frogs, shrimp can be hard because so many animals eat them, that the best way to do them is by themselves in a species tank, ghost shrimp at best live for 1-1.5years.  as for crabs, the only ones to consider are fiddler and they can be tricky, they need sand and water, and a place to get out of the water, but they can also be escape artists.  they eat almost anything they can catch including slow moving fish.  best in a species tank, 10-20 gallon sand bottom slope to 1/2 exposed, and down to 3-4 inches deep freshwater.  feed frozen blood worms and brine shrimp.  give them drift wood, a cave, filtration, and temp 78-80 degrees.  as for the kuhlii's, they can rot in the gravel, sometimes they float.  they love snails. and they love veggie discs for food

good luck
