Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Freshwater Aquarium > disease


23 15:54:27

Hi, I'm a college student with my second betta.  I think it may be sick, but I'm not sure what it has.  It has been getting pale in certain places.  It started with the top of its head, and then its belly and fins turned completely white.  It still seems somewhat active, sometimes swimming around, sometimes staying near the bottom, and it still eats.  I don't think anything looks swollen.  I have been pretty bad about keeping its tank clean lately, and am worried it may have fin rot or a bacterial disease.  Would you have any idea of what it possibly has?  And how to treat it?  Any help would be appreciated, thanks!

Hi Carly,
I'm not going to be hard on you about not keeping your tank clean enough but I really do think this is definitely the cause for the betta's problem. The white patches remind me of a fungal infection which is often actually caused by bacteria really.... these illnesses all thrive in dirty water and pollution in the water itself also causes stress on the betta.

Fungal infections vary in appearance. They can be simply white smooth patches, long stringy clear/white strands, cotton like tufts, and even slimy-looking threads

So. the main important thing is to get the tank cleaner of course. I'm not sure how big of a setup your betta is in but if its small enough like around 1-2 gallons or below that than I would try to change out at least 100% every day. Making sure the replacement water is as close to the temp of the old water as you can make it and always use water conditioner. If its a large setup like a 5 gallon than about 50-75% taken out will due and preferably you should use a gravel vacuum.

Setting out some water the night before in a fish-safe (no chemical residues) container for your replacement water works out well if your betta tank isn't heated.

As for medication. He may certainly need it. You can look here for some pics of bettas with fungal infections and compare then to your own.

I always use Jungle Brand "Fungus Clear" medication which has worked very well for my fish in the past.

I like to do a big water change at least every other day and redose the medication afterward. I also like to treat for as long as the fish shows symptoms -- which is against medication directions but you could have a serious problem if you did stop medicating because instructions say so when really your fish still has some leftover fungus which will surely re-infest your fish.

Link to dosages of medications for smaller water volumes-

I do hope this helps and best of luck!
