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Nitrate and ammonia levels!!!

23 15:54:27

Hi i have a 20 gallon tank with one peguin filter and one aqueon filter as well
as a canister filter( the eheim ecco) i have 4 mollies 1 swordtail 1 rosy barb
and 2 plecostamus (one small and one large) as well as 1 dwarf gourmis.
when i first set up my tank i never cycled it and i just added fish. i had
several pass away but i was using a filter pad previously used. ive had this
tank for about 3 weeks. no fish have abnormal activites but im scared for
them because of the off the chart nitrite level and ammonia level. is there
anyway i can speed up the cycling process so they can be at peace and is
there anything i can do to lower the amonia and nitrate levels. im only 16 and
this is my first aquarium!

Hi Dan,
The best thing to do to get your fish through the ammonia and nitrite levels safely is to do 50% water changes to dilute them. Water changes wont keep your aquarium from cycling but are vital to help your fish make it through.

Always make sure that the replacement water is equal or just a bit warmer in temperature than your aquarium's. And always use water conditioner every time.

Basically I would continue testing the water daily and doing water changes whenever the ammonia and nitrites rises too high and/or the fish seem stressed.

Your aquarium will establish after several weeks and eventually you won't have to be so careful about monitoring the water and wont have to do such drastic water change routines...

Best of luck and I hope this helps!