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moldy fish eyes

23 16:18:24

two weeks ago i received cat fish also known as iridescent shark,about 5-6 inches long. I got him from someone who had been tired of taking care of all their fish. He seemed ok but i think the move stressed him out and threw an already existing condition into full throttle. In retrospect i had noticed a sort of cloudiness in his eyes almost like cataract in a dog. he remained fine for about a week, eating well etc... then over night he had a this line of white stuff around his mouth and  a thicker film over both eyes, and it kept getting worse... by the next day he was blind from all the white film and his entire mouth nose were covered in white cottony film. At first i speculated a fungus and used 'jungle fungus clear' and his condition did not get any better. I went to a pet store and they thought it to be a parasite or bacterial and referred me to an 'expert'. The expert claimed fungus was rare and thought it to be bacterial and gave me e.m. erythromycin by 'api', he  said if that didn't kill it off he had a stronger medicine but it also floored  the fish. The first dose we did in our 55 g (two filters, air lines, gravel, live plants, other fish are fine no symptoms active and eating, ph amm. nitrite nitrate levels normal) tank with all our other fish. The second dose we isolated him in a smaller tank and we are continuing treatment there. Today I did the fourth dose and still no change except he has gotten worse. Now the flesh around his mouth is rotting away and his edges of his eyes are red. The white film over his eyes sticks out much farther from the fishes head and has grown into a huge fuzzy mold, almost like bread mold with tiny tiny hairs. He also has lost his appetite. I don't want to treat him with more anti bac if its not bacterial, any ideas at all what this could be and how to treat it,  and if it is bacterial why is it not responding to medicine? Please help I don't want my fish to suffer any more than he already has...

furanace or a medicine that contains malachite green used in conjunction should help your fish.  The infection is a fungal infection not a bacterial nor a parasitical infection.  Fungal infections are usually secondary to poor nutrition and stress.  It sounds like to me that the fish came from a poor home and encountered a stressful situation with it was moved.  It is common for fish to get sick right after a move.  Try the medication and offer him some live/frozen brine shrimp and tubiflex worms.  It is important that he start to eat.  You may have to hold the food stationary and in front of him so that he can find it. His eye site and sense of smell are diminished.  Please keep me up-dated.   Dave