Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Freshwater Aquarium > Follow up of first letter.

Follow up of first letter.

23 15:58:08

Dear Karen,
I am sorry that I did not see my mistake sooner.  I stated that I change the filter bi-weekly, it is supposed to have been bi-monthly.
Also, I forgot to mention another type of food for my Cory Catfish.  "It is called Shrimp Pellets Formula by Wardly."
Is this any good?
Thank you again for taking the time to answer my questions.
I really do appreciate any information that I can get to help my fish.

Hi Debbie,
No problem at all. ;-0

Actually, this may sound strange but its really best to rinse a dirty filter in a bucket of tank water versus just changing it out completely. That's because you want to try to preserve "good" bacteria that thrive on the filter cartridge. I prefer to only change out my filters when the fiber is just too worn out.

Shrimp pellets are good for cories in most cases as well!

I really do hope this helps and I hope my previous letter helped clarify some things. I hated to go into deep long detail with info that might not really be that necessary when I could simply go straight to real facts.

Best of luck as always!