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New 55 gal tank & jumbo orandas update

23 16:52:45

Hi Karen.  I'm sure you are busy but I have an update for you.  

First, the funny part...  As it turns out, my panda oranda Winston is not a male.  I spotted HER dropping eggs yesterday!  Therefore, Winston has become "Winnie".  

Unfortunately, I had to add the other two fish in earlier than we discussed.  The local aquarium store would normally hold fish for their customers, however being in Hawaii means that their shipment arrivals can be unpredictable and when they arrive, they have to move on it quickly.  As a business owner myself, I understood their dilemma of needing tank space for the shipped in fish and so I had to pick up the two new fish on Monday.  

My new orange and white oranda has markings on its face, which give an EXAGGERATED appearance of having bubble gum cheeks.  I named that one Bazooka.  The chocolate oranda is smaller but loves to greedily gulp down the Hikari Gold.  I named that one Piglet.  

Okay...  So now I have Winnie, Bazooka, and Piglet in this new 55 gallon tank that obviously was not even close to being cycled.  Yes, I know!  NOT ideal!!!  If I could do it all over again I would, but I am trying to do the best I can under the circumstances.

About an hour after adding the fish I noticed that Bazooka had some kind of wormy thing on its tail.  I netted Bazooka, GENTLY rubbed the wormy thing off, put it in a vial, and took it to the aquarium store.  They gave me Life Bearer so I removed the carbon filter and completed that treatment as prescribed.  

Now with 3 fish in a new uncycled tank, the ammonia levels have gone up as predicted.  To add insult to injury, now Piglet has ich.  Rush to the store again today and they gave me organic Ich Attack.  I changed 25% of the water first and then started the ich treatment today.  

Despite the situation, so far all three fish are active and are not behaving abnormally.  No clamped fins, no gasping or yawning, no hiding or shaking, and no laying at the bottom of the tank.  

I want my tank to cycle, but I don't want them to suffer with high ammonia.  Given the overall picture, after the Ich treatment is over, would it be advisable to do a 50% water change and add Bio-Spira to get things moving along faster so that ammonia suffering is minimized as much as possible?

Hi Claudine,
How cute! I love those names! I know you are really proud and excited about that really cute group.
Sorry to hear about Piglet's ich problem and Bazooka's worm thing. Hopefully, all will get better with them.
Please watch your water condtions. I know you will but it could get out of control really fast so please be careful. If it does do a water change immediately to control the ammonia. You are right about adding the Bio-Spira to try to help with the cycling. Keep doing water changes since even with ich treatments  you still don't want the water to get an ammonia build up in it to a dangerous level. I have done water changes when I have had to treat for ich. Since your tank has more fish now, you will have all that extra load and you will have to do water changes while doing the treatment.
I hope things work out well for your fish. I know you will do a great job with your tank even though it will be a little harder since it hasn't cycled yet. I know you can do it!
Take care of Winnie, Bazooka and Piglet.
Best of Luck!