Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Freshwater Aquarium > do i have too many fish in this tank

do i have too many fish in this tank

23 16:44:13

i have a 55gal hexagon tank, and i have 6 danios 2 gouramis 1 glass cat 1 lg angel 2 sm angels 1 blue ram 2 clown loaches and 1 tatoo loach. first ? would be do you think i have too many fish, i've had all of them for six months. but i just added the 2 small angels this week and they haven't been eating that i noticed, should they eventually eat or are they doomed. and for my final ? i have gravel filtration should i add another filter with charcoal, i clean gravel once a month and the water looks clear but i just figured i'd see what you thought

Hi Ryan,
At this point I don't think you are overstocked. As for the two smaller angels, they may just be having a problem adjusting to their new environment. Also, could it be possible that some of the other fish are competing with them for food and since they are smaller they aren't getting a chance to eat? Sometimes, smaller fish will have a problem eating if they are somewhat shy and don't compete with the other fish well.
As for filters-- I always like the hang on the back of the tank filters or power filters. They have always seemed to work the best for my tanks. Undergravel filters have a tendency to trap food and fish waste particles and can sometimes cause water to stay dirtier. Just remember that even if the water looks clear it can still be toxic. So just be sure to clean the gravel more often just to make sure that it stays very clean.
Hope this has helped,